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4K超高清正在向安全领域延伸。 对于安防企业来说,虽然面临挑战,但绝不能放弃大好机会。


On March 2, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the “Ultra HD Video Industry Development Action Plan (2019-2022)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Action Plan”), pointing out that the domestic 4K industry ecosystem will be basically complete in 2020, and the R&D and industrialization of 8K key technology products A breakthrough has been made, and 4K TV terminals will be fully popularized in 2022, and 8K TV will account for 5%. 4K Ultra HD is extending to the security field. For security companies, although they face challenges, they must not give up great opportunities. Three-year plan for the ultra-high-definition video industry: 4K first and 8K The action plan refers to planning the direction and requirements for the domestic ultra-high-definition video industry, and vigorously promote the development of the ultra-high-definition video industry and applications in related fields in accordance with the overall technical route of “4K first and 8K”. The action plan also pointed out that by 2020, 4K cameras, monitors, switchers and other special equipment for acquisition, editing and broadcasting will form industrialization capabilities; in the fields of culture, education and entertainment, security monitoring, medical health, intelligent transportation, and industrial manufacturing, ultra-high-definition video-based Application demonstration.  The security field is gradually extending to 4K Ultra HD 4K Ultra HD, the technology originally used in TV products, is gradually expanding into the security field. The Action Plan proposes that in the future, it is necessary to accelerate the development and mass production of ultra-high-definition surveillance cameras, promote the upgrading and transformation of security monitoring systems, and support the development of AI algorithms based on ultra-high-definition video for face recognition, behavior recognition, and target classification to increase the scope of surveillance , Recognition efficiency and accuracy rate, to create a batch of intelligent ultra-high-definition security monitoring application pilots. In addition, the Action Plan will promote the application of ultra-high-definition video technology in intelligent connected vehicles, strengthen the R&D and mass production of ultra-high-definition vehicle image sensors and vehicle screen products, and enhance vehicle perception and human-computer interaction experience.  It is foreseeable that the next five years will be a period of strategic opportunities for the development of my country’s ultra-high-definition video industry. We must accurately grasp the major opportunities brought by the development of the ultra-high-definition video industry, strengthen top-level design, and accelerate industrial development and application popularization.


迈向4k超高清面临挑战 超高清视频产业的发展将带动以视频为核心的产业智能化转型,推动产业链核心环节向中高端迈进,加快超高清视频产业集群建设。 . 理论上,超高清产业前景广阔,安防行业作为超高清应用产业,也将面临产业发展的又一次升级。 然而,现实往往是残酷的。 安防行业在迈向 4k 超高清方面仍面临诸多困难。 最重要的一个是超高清应用的高成本。 除了成本,在标准和规范方面,产业链各家企业对技术标准和经验水平都有自己的解释、定义和制定,导致产业链的步骤不一致。 系统4K超高清的实现也需要统一的标准和节奏。 4K视频会议正值近期,随着美国ZOOM云视频会议公司的上市,视频会议市场的热潮进一步升温。


微软正在开发一款具有 Windows Hellow 功能的 4K 网络摄像头,尤其适用于 Windows 10 PC 和 Xbox One 设备。 这将是他们的第一个独立的 Windows Hellow 相机。 微软很可能将这些摄像机从娱乐领域扩展到企业会议和活动的应用。 在中国,政府、法院、医疗、教育等行业都是云视频会议的主要客户。 他们对视频会议系统的需求将逐渐从高清转向超高清。 对于我们的安防企业来说,抓住这个机会,开发云会议的超高清视频,利用技术升级来拓展业务,是提升竞争力的途径之一。